4 New Features Arriving in Future MacBooks

Unlike other laptops, the Apple MacBook is the most powerful and popular and best laptop available in the current market.

At the present market, the best alternative for Macbook is Windows. However, earlier Windows laptops were not well optimized compared to the Macbook, but today Windows laptops are more innovative than Macbooks.

Undoubtedly MacBooks are very powerful in terms of processor, OS, build quality, and battery backup. Still, they are not as innovative as Windows laptops if you see many of the latest Windows laptops that come with many lot innovative features such as a touchscreen display, the slimmest build quality, laptops like tablets with a pen, and much more.

However, some of the many innovative features are not available on Macbooks. But it is expected to arrive in the future.

5 New Features Arriving in Future MacBooks:

1. Touch Screen

If you are a Mac user this feature might be looking new & exciting but in Windows, this feature already arrived very long ago.

When you look at high-end Windows laptops they always come with two variants which are nothing but one is touch & other is non-touch. The Windows touch screen laptops are more responsive than smartphone touch.

Many Mac users have always worried about why this feature is not available on the Mac. There might be many reasons why Apple didn’t invent this feature on their Macbooks. However, it is expected that this feature might arrive soon on upcoming future Macbooks.

2. Touch Keyboard

A touch Keyboard is something a future innovation even on Windows laptops also this feature is rarely seen.

Have you ever imagined typing with the touch instead of a traditional keyboard? This feature is been more advanced and Apple is already working on it. Once this feature gets rolled out on the Macbook we will see a more advanced MacBook than has ever been seen before.

3. Wireless Charging

We have seen this feature called Wireless Charging on smartphones but have we ever thought this feature would work even on laptops?

Yes till now this feature is not available on both Windows & Macbooks but we have seen it on flagship smartphones. This feature is loved by many iPhone users, where they can just charge the iPhone wirelessly without plugging into the phone type c port.

Currently, we charge our MacBooks using Type C cable or MagSafe, but we don’t have a feature called charging laptops wirelessly. However, Apple is bringing this feature soon, where “MacBooks can be charged wirelessly”. Once Apple implements it successfully on its Mac machines the Macbook becomes the world’s first laptop that can be charged wirelessly.

4. iPhone Face Unlock

In Macbooks currently, we can unlock using a fingerprint or typing a password but there’s no feature called face unlock. Not only in MacBooks but even in Windows laptops this feature is rarely seen, even though if there is a face unlock feature in Windows laptops it will never work as Macbook.

Apple has just planned to bring the iPhone face unlock feature on their future Macbooks. Currently in the smartphone market iPhone stands on the 1st place for the face unlock feature. There is no other smartphone that has face unlock like the iPhone.

The iPhone face unlock is more powerful, unique, and advanced just imagine if this same iPhone face unlock comes to MacBook it becomes more powerful and advanced in terms of security.

One of the main reasons why Apple needed to bring the face unlock feature to the MacBook is they just wanted their Mac machines to be more powerful in terms of security like the iPhone. Currently, the iPhone’s security is unbeatable and it’s not that easy for someone to unlock our iPhone without our access or permission.

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