Most expensive Android Game found on Google Play Store

Most commonly the expensive paid games can be seen for PC or Playstation because the developers build those expensive games by thinking it is worth being paid for playing on PC. But however, you can see the same expensive games mostly available for Android which is quite unpopular but can be seen in the high pricing paid category.

This kind of most expensive Android game doesn’t seem to have many great interfaces, good graphics, good gaming levels, and overall we don’t see much good gaming experience but still, in the price segment, you can just see how expensive these games are to buy on Play Store. So everybody has a question is that worth buying these games? You can find the answer at the end of the discussion.

Before making a quick decision whether to buy these expensive games are worth it or not. Let’s discuss what are those expensive games available on the Google Play Store and What are those ratings and How these games feature while playing on the screen?

When you open Google Play Store and in the search bar if you type ‘most expensive games’ or most expensive game on play store you will just find the huge results showing that has the biggest price tag before you install those games. And specifically, when you check out those games you can see those game screenshots are just so classic but at the same time, those games will be having very few installs and average ratings.

Check out the Most Expensive Android Games below:

1. Lousy Airplane! – Most Expensive Game 2020

Lousy Airplane is one of the most classic Airplane games where the developer has developed this game in so simple way and you don’t really find many graphics and animations included inside the game this game has few screenshots where it really gives you a good idea about this game how simple the gameplay is and how classy and old it looks.

This game has 10000+ installations and totally it has 668 reviews or feedback given by the users and totally it has an average of 3.4-star ratings. In the user reviews, we can see almost there are too much negative feedbacks given by players saying it has cheap graphics and poor game controls, but also in the very beginning we can see some of the few reviews given by some users positive feedback with 5-star ratings.

This game was lastly updated on November 2, 2020. However, if you want to know how this game looks & works, and if you don’t mind how big the price of this game then you can buy it on Play Store. The price of the game has mentioned below.

Price: ₹26000 (350$)

2. Most Expensive Game

The name itself says the ‘Most Expensive Game’ if you see the logo of this game it symbolizes the currency or money emblem where you never get an idea is that really an Android game or just an app it just represents itself has a bigger status just in the logo itself but however once if you check out this in deeper or with more information you really just gets confused by seeing it’s a description and game screenshots where the images show itself has this is a purely a game application and not any Android app.

When you checkout deeper into the game images it says as a Flying Bird and probably there it says this is the actual name of the game and not the Most Expensive game this main title seems to be mentioned to display itself as this is the only Most Expensive Game and after all a visitor clicks it clearly views another visibility as a game.

By seeing this game’s images and by reading its description anyone can clearly understand this game is really so classic and nowhere has any good impressions on the picture that really it gives very good gameplay. Once the visitor is been seen the view of the game info it really makes them get very disappointed as you cannot see any good impressions anywhere else to impress an audience and that’s how the developer has created the game.

The game has the last update of July 3, 2021, which is quite outdated and this game has a total of 0 installs as I said above by seeing this game info really anyone can get disappointed easily as the game has nothing but the price is hugely expensive which gives easily a negative thought in the visitor’s mind as they are getting cheated. So definitely that brings anyone outside of this game without giving any appreciation or credit to the developer.

The price of this game is almost similar to our first list of games as mentioned below.

Price: ₹26000 (350$)

3. Planescape

Planescape even this game too has a tag line as ‘Planescape- The Most Expensive Game’ but compared to the above second list of ‘Most Expensive Game’ this game has a few decent installations which will be mentioned below. Planescape this game features itself has a Plane game where even the game images also display the same showing something related to Air Plane and the gameplay proves itself has something simple and classic and not modern or advanced.

This expensive Planescape game nearly has 100+ installs which are quite better than our previous item on the above list. And also it has a total of 54 users who had given reviews or feedback about this game with an overall 4.5 star ratings which seems much better compared to the above items. This game was lastly updated on June 25, 2021. But however, we can see both positive and negative comments simultaneously in the feedback section.

The Planescape game price ranges as same as the above games as mentioned below.

Price: ₹26000 (350$)

Conclusion: The above-mentioned games are not just the end of the list you can even find many more games with the expensive price tags that are available on the Google Play Store. Now let’s discuss the main topic – Is it worth buying the above expensive paid games? My honest answer is No.

The reason is very simple as these kinds of expensive games are just developed without any proper vision and their main focus is just to mention it as paid games to earn profits from Play Store. The reason why am not recommending these games not to be purchased is that the same games which you are seeing as expensive or with high buy price it is available absolutely for free of cost on Google Play Store by some other developers and obviously the free games will be much better & optimized than this highest-paid games.

If you still want to try playing those high paid games and if you don’t mind paying the biggest buying price then you can just give it a try which will not be recommended by us because the price whatever you are paying it is solely responsible by you once if you are not satisfied with those products.

Finally, if you want to buy the Android Paid Games there are really a huge biggest collections on Google Play Store which are really amazing and worth paying those prices all with less buying price. The best Paid Android Games will be covered in the next blog post.

Check: Best Android Games recommended by Google Play Store

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